Regional Program Alumni Network

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Sarah Kamal Youssef Muhammad
Personal Information
  • Name: Sarah Kamal Youssef Muhammad
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Life Makers Foundation
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Sarah El-Minshawy, law graduate from Assiut University, 2012. She worked with the Misr Al-Khair team in field research, the Comprehensive Survey Initiative, 2011, including the coordinator of the Science is Power project, funded by Vodafone Egypt, with the Life Makers Foundation, Egypt, 2012, including a resource development officer at the Misr Al-Khair Foundation, Sohag office, 2014. Among them is the coordinator of the Sohag Solidarity and Dignity Project in 2016, among them is the person responsible for the relief file in the Dar Al Ber Association Dubai 2019, among them is the coordinator of the Job Search Club project, which was interested in training refugees to integrate them into the labor market in 2021, and among them is the follow-up and evaluation officer in the Life Makers Foundation Egypt. 2022 and now responsible for financing the major clients and partnerships department at the Life Makers Foundation Egypt