Regional Program Alumni Network

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Dr. Sarah Mohamed Abdel Majeed
Personal Information
  • Name: Dr. Sarah Mohamed Abdel Majeed
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Directorate of Youth and Sports - Alexandria
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Dr. Sarah Mohamed Abdel Majeed Mutawa was born in Alexandria Governorate in the Arab Republic of Egypt. She holds a doctorate degree in social sciences from the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 2021 AD, and holds a master’s degree from the Faculty of Social Service, Helwan University, 2014 AD. She works as a youth specialist in the Youth and Sports Directorate in Alexandria and held the position of director. She is a former youth center and has worked in the field of preparing leaders and empowering youth for several years. She has a great history in the field of training and development, as she works as a training consultant in several fields, including the Mishwari program, professional advice, and the Youth Challenge affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports in cooperation with UNICEF. She works as an entrepreneurship training consultant for the National Council for Women and also A certified trainer in vocational guidance in the Mishwary program and a certified trainer in the National Initiative for the Empowerment of Girls “Dawy” sponsored by Mrs. Intisar El-Sisi within the framework of the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family