Regional Program Alumni Network

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Alaa Abdel Nasser Shaaban Ali
Personal Information
  • Name: Alaa Abdel Nasser Shaaban Ali
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Etijah Foundation
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2021
  • Bio:

    Coordination expertise: • Field coordinator with the Etijah Foundation for the Residents’ Clubs Project in 2023: 2024 AD. • Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Ambassadors Program with the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2022: 2023 AD. • Responsible for organizing activities in nursing homes for the “Values ​​and Life” project in 2022: 2023 AD. • Assistant coordinator of the adult education component in the “Educated Village Project” within the Upper Egypt Association in 2020: 2021 AD. • Administrative volunteer and data reviewer in the “Educated Village” project with the Upper Egypt Association, the Businesswomen’s Association, and Save the Children in 2019: 2021 AD. Training experiences: • Trainer in the Family Program with the Red Crescent for the year 2024 AD. • Assistant consultant trainer in a capacity building program for the project team working on “Strengthening Community Action to Combat Violence against Women in Upper Egypt” in March 2024. • Trainer in the Dawai program with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNICEF in 2023: 2024 AD. • Trainer in a program we partner with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNICEF in 2023: 2024 AD. • Trainer in the 360 ​​campaign with the United Nations Fund and the Direction 2022 Foundation. • Facilitator of community initiatives with the “Daim” team in 2022. • An economic empowerment behavior modification facilitator with the “Forsa” project in 2022. • Facilitator against women-based violence with CARE in 2021. • Trainer in the “Awareness is Life” project with the Ajyal Misr Foundation and GICA in 2021. • Facilitator of child protection and family planning with Caritas in 2019: 2020 AD. • Economic empowerment facilitator in the “Empowerment 2” project with the Egyptian Society for Scientific Researchers and Plan International in 2019. • Assistant trainer in the Ambassadors of Change program with UNICEF and the Ajyal Misr Foundation in 2019. • Facilitator in the Values ​​and Life project from 2016: 2023 AD.