Regional Program Alumni Network

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Yasmine Al-Mouji
Personal Information
  • Name: Yasmine Al-Mouji
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Ministry of Housing
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: بكالوريوس٢٠١١ ماستر ٢٠١٩-٢٠٢٠-باحث دكتوراه ٢٠٢٤
  • Bio:

    Former Supreme Council Member of the Engineers Syndicate - Former Chairman and Rapporteur of Committees and General Coordinator - Engineer, Deputy Director of Quality, Ministry of Housing - Doctoral Researcher - Master’s Degree at Cardiff University - Passed the Women’s Entrepreneurship Program of the American University, the United Nations and the Canadian Government - Lecturer - Writer - Former Second Deputy Youth Long live Egypt - former Head of the Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department of the Youth Scholars Association