Regional Program Alumni Network

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Balageeth congratulations
Personal Information
  • Name: Balageeth congratulations
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Directorate of Youth and Sports
  • Country: Algeria
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Balaghith Mabrouka, President of the Nas Al-Khair Association, beloved of God, Supervisor of the Al-Taqwa Qur’anic School, National Secretary of the Algerian Organization for Charitable and Humanitarian Action, Paramedic in the Algerian Red Crescent, Employee of the Youth and Sports Directorate, Member of the German International Organization for Development and Peace, Journalist, former correspondent for Al-Ajawaa and Al-Tahrir newspapers, Ouargla Province, and Al-Awras TV channel, obtained Obtained first ranks, prizes, and certificates of appreciation in intellectual, literary, cultural, and craft competitions. Activator in summer camps for children. 10 years’ experience. Place of origin and residence: of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.