Regional Program Alumni Network

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Hayel Saeed Ali Asif
Personal Information
  • Name: Hayel Saeed Ali Asif
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: CEO of Ahdaf Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Work
  • Country: Yemen
  • Bio:

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    He works in the field Humanitarian work and community development 10 years ago, during which he provided many contributions and training in the field of volunteer work and community development, formed and trained a number of youth initiatives, and contributed to the establishment of a number of civil associations. He worked as a coordinator for the political and social participation project implemented by the Generations Without Qat organization. He worked as a coordinator For the Communication for Development project implemented by the Search for Common Ground organization, he worked as a coordinator in the emergency relief project implemented by the Aden Springs Foundation, and he worked as a coordinator for the health and nutrition improvement project for the Yemen Aid Organization. He worked as a public relations officer at the Sharek Foundation. He worked as a project manager for more than 8 years. He worked as CEO at the Goals Foundation for Development.

    Holds a BA Sharia and Law of the Yemeni University. Master of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology. He holds a diploma in business administration from the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training. He holds a mini-professional master’s degree in business administration on the Absar Malaysia platform. Researcher in strategic leadership and improving the performance of non-profit organizations. Researcher in governance and sustainable development, National Society for Scientific Research.

    Certified Professional in Google project management. He holds a certificate of professionalism in development project management from the Misr El Kheir Foundation. He holds a diploma in project management from the German Board.