Regional Program Alumni Network

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Islam Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Abu Daidu
Personal Information
  • Name: Islam Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Abu Daidu
  • Program: Preparing a sustainable institutional development specialist for civil organizations.
  • Work Place: Export Inspector and owner of an emerging project to plant roof
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Bio:

    Communication Data

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    graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture Al -Azhar University in Cairo in the year 2016 and currently a master's researcher in the field of climate change, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, in cooperation with several Egyptian and foreign universities, a certified trainer in the field of sustainable development from the Egyptian Ministry of Planning and the institutional development specialist , work as an export inspector and have experience in the agricultural field as a whole and he holds many different training courses ,. Interested in the field of sustainable development and climate change. Member of the Scientific Development Association, at a starting project in the field of housing surface cultivation with aquatic agriculture, holds several awards from different bodies, and I also have several different honors , a volunteer in foreign and Egyptian organizations, graduate of the Sustainable Institutional Development Specialist Program from the Egypt Foundation Goodness, I have different experiences in the agricultural field, youth work and sustainable development, and currently I study a master in the sustainable environment and management Climate changes