Regional Program Alumni Network

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Anwar Muhammad Othman Qatayeh
Personal Information
  • Name: Anwar Muhammad Othman Qatayeh
  • Program: Preparing a specialist in sustainable institutional development for civil society organizations.
  • Work Place: Faculty member at Al-Azhar University
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Bio:

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    Management Manager Projects in the International Organization of Al-Azhar Graduates, former for 12 years. Doctorate in doctrine and philosophy, specializing in leadership preparation programs and specialized professional certificates, session leader at conferences (University of Arab States - Library of Alexandria), founder of the “Peace Building and Community Dialogue” initiative, specializing in the field of youth rehabilitation, Managing debates, community work and preparing youth leaders. Consultant for developing and developing the capabilities of civil society institutions, and institutional excellence for government institutions. Lecturer on a number of topics with many civil society institutions and government universities. Combating illegal immigration, sustainable development, National Strategy for Human Rights - Violence against women - Cultural Empowerment - Gender Equality - Countering Hate Speech and Violent Extremism - Dialogue and Debate Management Skills - Presentation Skills - The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals - The Role of Human Fraternity in Building Peace, Empowering Women, Training (5,000) Faculty Members at Al-Azhar University