Regional Program Alumni Network

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Mustafa Mamdouh Al-Sharif
Personal Information
  • Name: Mustafa Mamdouh Al-Sharif
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Responsible for monitoring, evaluation and databases at ACDA Egypt
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Bio:

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    "He has been working in the field of development, consulting and training solutions for more than 15 years. He has experience in managing many development projects that work to empower women. Girls, harmful practices, youth empowerment, population issues, reproductive and sexual health issues with many parties such as (Plan International - UNICEF - United Nations Population Fund - Youth Advisory Foundation Etijah - Youth Peer Network Y-PEER - Assiut University - National Council for Women - in addition to many others From local and national associations and bodies )

    He is also the founder and CEO of CREATIVE team for training consultations and solutions. He also has previous experience as a training consultant and trainer of trainers in the use of many interactive educational methodologies such as (interactive educational activities and games - educational and interactive theatre, theatrical facilitation and text preparation). Play - Sports for Development - Using online interactive tools for distance education and others..), He is also skilled in preparing training manuals, designing facilitation sessions, preparing scientific and research materials, and also worked as the official of the training and capacity building sector in some local development agencies

    He holds a Bachelor of Laws - Department of Public Law at Assiut University in 2016 and a master's researcher in public policy, monitoring and evaluation, and human rights