Regional Program Alumni Network

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Sarah Ahmed Hassan Shaaban
Personal Information
  • Name: Sarah Ahmed Hassan Shaaban
  • Program: Misr El Khair Fellowship for “Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
  • Work Place: Consultant at the Islamic Relief Organization
  • Country: Yemen
  • Bio:

    Contact information

    "Academic. I have a bachelor's degree in accounting, a master's degree in financial management, and a doctorate at the university since 2012. I prepared Many curricula in the field of accounting at all levels

    I worked as an administrator Mali has many civil society organizations

    Trainer and consultant Since 2014 AD in the field of economic empowerment, risk management, and business continuity, in the field of administrative and financial development, and in institutional building

    I trained borders (1000) beneficiaries in the field of project management and feasibility studies at the governorate level in Yemen

    Contributed with supervision And consultations on 1,500 projects in economic empowerment

    Contributed to 20 civil society organizations developed administrative and financial regulations, policies and procedures

    Contributed to Preparing 5 training curricula in the field of economic empowerment and institutional building

    She worked as a court In the governance of 90 civil society organizations in Yemen

    Founder and President Business Experts Foundation for Development and Development

    Serve as a reviewer And an internal auditor in the financial departments.

    Contributed to Creating a simple accounting program on Excel for civil society organizations