Regional Program Alumni Network

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Shaima Abdel Hamid Abdel Rahim Hussein
Personal Information
  • Name: Shaima Abdel Hamid Abdel Rahim Hussein
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Director of the “Together to End Violence” project, Childhood and Development Association in Assiut
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Bio:

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    "In terms of qualifications, there is strong academic experience, because I completed a diploma in the field of family and childhood after my bachelor’s degree in social work, then a master’s degree in Social entrepreneurship and international organizations, and now I am about to finish my doctoral thesis, which is an international comparative study in social work education.

    In terms of experience, the number of years of work experience is generally 10 years. I currently work as the director of the “Together to End Violence” project at the Childhood and Development Association in cooperation with CARE Egypt. Among my main tasks is following up on grassroots associations in implementing activities, and reviewing documents and financial reports. She also worked as director of the “Intilaaqah to Support Civil Society Organizations” project at the Kurdish Charity Association and the Giving Without Borders Association, in cooperation with Save the Children. It is worth noting that I worked for more than a year as a child helpline specialist at the Childhood and Development Association, in cooperation with UNICEF.

    I have previous experience in both the fields of training and management. As for training, I have given seminars on various social issues such as child marriage, and the problem of... Population and others. As for management, I was previously the director of the public relations sector at one of the course companies. I also previously worked as a volunteer management officer at the Resala Charitable Society. Among my main tasks was coordinating the work between all 8 activities of the society, constantly following up and evaluating them, and writing monthly reports on the activities. I have the ability to prepare and formulate reports with high efficiency.

    I also have the ability to communicate, present, and present excellently, and the ability to solve problems, and I have complete proficiency in dealing with computers, the Internet, and... (google drive).