Regional Program Alumni Network

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Sabry Mansi Abdel Hamid
Personal Information
  • Name: Sabry Mansi Abdel Hamid
  • Program: Misr El Khair Fellowship for “Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
  • Work Place: Training and capacity building consultant and director of the International Center for Human Resource Preparation
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Bio:

    "He has been working in the field of training and development work since 2003 for twenty years During which he presented many training and development programs in the fields of citizenship, community peace, and acceptance of others - civil education programs - qualifying youth for public and political work - entrepreneurship - building the capabilities of civil society organizations - protection and anti-corruption policies - preparation and qualification Volunteers and designing youth initiatives - Self-development programs and vocational guidance - Reproductive health programs
    He has been accredited as a trainer by a number of international and local bodies, such as the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Social Solidarity and Local Development, the International Labor Organization, Plan International - USAID, Save the Children, and many civil society organizations
    In the field of public and community work, he is a founding member of a number of civil society organizations, such as Development Awareness and Remas for Sustainable Development
    He founded a number of training companies, such as the International Center for Human Resource Preparation and the House of Traditional Arts and Crafts
    He designed a number of training manuals, such as combating violence against women and gender, entrepreneurship, the facilitators’ guide to life skills, and reproductive health awareness
    He also published in 2022 the first book in the Life Skills series ‏
    Finally, he held a number of administrative and development positions in civil society organizations, starting with a coordinator for a number of major development projects funded by international bodies, up to the position of director of development projects and writing proposals, such as the Women and Development Association and the Development Awareness Association