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Misr Al-Khair organizes a ceremony to graduate a new batch of its partner associations in Gharbia Governorate from the Performance Development Laboratory for Non-Governmental Organizations

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Feb 1, 2023

Wednesday 1-2-2023 Within the framework of Misr Al-Khair Foundation’s support for its partner NGOs in activating the development of the institutional performance of these associations to provide the best service in accordance with the goals of sustainable development and Egypt’s Vision 2030. The NGO Development Sector in Misr Al-Khair organized a graduation ceremony for (15) strategic associations from Gharbia Governorate from the NGO Performance Development Laboratory of the NGO Capacity Building Unit, in the presence of 32 participants from the associations, namely: 1. Shabraqas Community Development Association 2. Local Community Development Association in Blay 3. Love and giving to development and care for people with special needs and their families 4. Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyah in Damaro 5. Al-Rahma Charitable Society in Mahalla 6. Khair Baladna Charitable Society 7. Versis Charitable Society for Community Development 8. Dr. Foundation Abdel-Ahad Jamal El-Din for Development 9. The Good Shepherd Charitable Society 10. Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyah in Manshiyet Janzour 11. Dew Drops Association for Community Development in Ezbet Al-Dumiri 12. Community Development Association in Sijin 13. Qulub Al-Khair Association in Mashla 14. Kafr El Mahroug Charitable Association 15. Al Salam Charitable Association This is in accordance with the laboratory’s work methodology, which took the period of working with these associations from 6 to 12 months, according to the plans that were approved for the process of building the institutional capabilities of each association separately. It is worth noting that the partner NGOs that joined the Institutional Performance Development Laboratory were subjected to development according to a methodology and scientific stages of development that begin with the pre-institutional evaluation of the association to identify institutional gaps, then design the institutional development plan with participation, then implement the plan, which may take a year, and then conduct a remote evaluation after that to measure The return of the interventions. If the association passes an agreed-upon growth rate, the association will be graduated from the laboratory and a certificate of graduation will be issued to it. During the graduation ceremony activities, the partner associations reviewed success stories as a result of the institutional development that was implemented with them, in addition to opening a discussion about the future of the partnership between the associations and the Misr El Kheir Foundation, in the presence of the following: Ms. Maha Mahrous. Representative of the Social Solidarity Directorate in Gharbia. A/ Majda Al-Khawaliqa... President of the Regional Union of Associations and Civil Foundations. Mr. Hazem Wafa.. Director of the Gharbia Office. Mr. Gamal Abdel Azim... Senior Director of the Institutional Development Program for Partner NGOs Mr. Yasser Badry.. Responsible for developing the performance of associations And a group of gentlemen, members of partner associations, attended the graduation ceremony #Building_institutional_capacities #Sustainable_national_work