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Launching the activities of the third track, the training program “Professionalize in Development Project Management,” Class of 2023

News Details

May 14, 2023

Sunday 5-14-2023

The activities of the third track, the training program "Professional in Development Project Management" for the Class of 2023, were launched today as part of the activities of the Development Exchange Program, which is implemented Sponsored by many local and international organizations, 41 participants from civil society organizations from countries (Egypt - Syria - Libya - Yemen - Tunisia - Jordan - Cameroon) participated in the training.
The opening of the program began by emphasizing that the Misr El Kheir Foundation seeks, through launching the program, to establish an interactive educational forum among workers in civil society organizations at the level of the Arab-African region to facilitate the exchange of experiences and enhance Best practices in addition to supporting innovation and creativity in designing development interventions for civil society organizations that are implemented within the framework of sustainable development.
It is worth noting that the program takes 26 training days, ending with each participant submitting a graduation project as one of the requirements for a graduation certificate from the program.
- First level: Introduction to development project management .
- The second level: Strategies of civil society organizations for community development Local.
- The third level: Designing projects and writing a financing document For a development project.
- AFor the fourth level: Designing follow-up and evaluation systems For development projects.
- Fifth level:Financial management of development projects< /div>
- Sixth level: Operational planning for development projects.
- Seventh level: Social marketing for development projects.
The program is approved by several bodies and is provided free of charge to support workers in civil society organizations.
The panel of trainers participated in the meeting. During the meeting, the Misr Al Khair Foundation, the activities of the Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work, the training program, its components and its importance were introduced. The schedule for the sessions and the rules were also agreed upon. Managing the sessions and getting acquainted among the attendees.
All the best to the participants during the course of the program