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The end of the meeting of the committee to discuss graduation projects for the regional program on professionalism in development project management

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Jul 26, 2023

7-26-2023 Wednesday

Today, Wednesday, the meeting of the discussion committee for the graduation projects submitted by the participants in the regional training program concluded “Professionalism.” Management and design of sustainable development projects” Class of 2023 to complete the requirements for passing the training program. The training program is part of the activities of the “Sustainable Development and Climate Action Support Unit” at the Arab Center for Sustainable Civil Action at the Misr El Kheir Foundation.
Where 28 participants submitted their projects to pass the program out of a total of 36 participants from countries (Egypt - Morocco - Syria - Lebanon, Yemen - Sudan)
Graduation projects focused on measuring participants' ability to integrate the goals, requirements and dimensions of sustainable development into the development projects they design or implement.
Graduation projects were discussed by a jury composed of the following:
Dr. Mohamed Mamdouh - Head of the NGO Development Sector at the Misr El Kheir Foundation
A/ Hoda Al-Bakr - Executive Director of the Arab Network for Non-Governmental Organizations.
Dr. Saber Hassan - Head of the Education Sector at the Misr El Kheir Foundation.
Dr. Youssef Al-Wardani - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qudrat Misr Foundation.
It is worth noting that the Regional Development Exchange Program aims to build an interactive educational platform between development practitioners at the regional level that allows the exchange of experiences, support and support among them, especially in common and crucial development issues.
All thanks to the jury for allowing time to discuss with the participants during the committee’s session