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The screening phase of the fifth session of the Misr Al-Khair Award for Leadership in Charitable and Sustainable Development Giving has ended

News Details

Aug 10, 2023

Thursday 8-10-2023

Which targets the second goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is “totally eradicate hunger.”
Where it was announced that the launch of the Misr Al Khair Award for Pioneering Charitable Giving and Sustainable Development will be held at its fifth session in May 2023 Under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Solidarityand in cooperation and partnership with local and international organizations.
🟤 Registration was opened, and for a period of two months, 90 associations and civil society organizations, and 12 local youth initiatives, applied to register for the award in its various sections.
🟤 The initial screening of those who applied for the award was carried out in accordance with the established conditions, and the lists of those who passed the screening stage were escalated to the award jury in its fifth session for approval to begin the third stage of the award, the field matching stage, in which the submitted project is scrutinized and reviewed and the best practices of applicants in the award sections are monitored. Different.
🟤 The screening result was approved by the arbitration committee at its first meeting and the field matching phase began
🟤 A detailed infographic of all stages of the award is attached

All the best to everyone who passed the screening stage and entered the field matching stage