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The conclusion of the meeting of the committee to discuss graduation projects for participants in the specialized regional program “Transformation towards green NGOs”

News Details

Mar 28, 2024

Thursday 3-28-2024

The committee discussing graduation projects for participants in the specialized regional program “Transformation towards green NGOs” within the activities of the “Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work” ended its session, which lasted for two days for< /span>Discussing the program's graduation projects.

28 participants submitted their projects to pass the program out of a total of 42 participants from 9 countries: (Egypt - Morocco - Syria - Lebanon - Yemen - Iraq - Tunisia - Jordan - Palestine)

Graduation projects focused on measuring the participants’ ability to apply what was acquired during the training period, especially in the field of shifting towards green development practices that civil society organizations design or implement, and discussing the project to adopt the Climate Action Charter within development practices within organizations in different countries

The committee was formed from a number of experts from within the Misr Al-Khair Foundation, namely: Dr. Mohamed Mamdouh - Head of the NGO Development Sector at the Misr Al-Khair Foundation / Mahmoud Kamal Abu Al-Khair - Director of the Government and Sustainable Development Program at the Misr Al-Khair Foundation / Hossam Al-Sayed - Unit Officer Supporting sustainable development and climate action at the Misr El Kheir Foundation. Mr. Ahmed Abdel Fattah - Institutional Development Officer at the Misr El Kheir Foundation. Technical support team: Mr. Youssef Ahmed - NGO Development Officer. It is worth noting that the regional program (shifting towards green NGOs) was implemented during 10 training days, which is one of the specialized professional programs that aims to build an interactive educational platform among development practitioners at the regional level that allows the exchange of experiences, support and support among them, especially in common fateful development issues.