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A harvest of the activities of the “Regional Initiative for Green NGOs” during the past six months

News Details

Mar 17, 2024

Sunday 3-17-2024

Misr El Kheir Foundation, through the Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work, launched the Green NGOs Initiative during the activities of the COP27 conference, which was held in Sharm El-Sheikh. It is an initiative aimed at supporting the sustainable green transformation of organizations. Arab National Society, and during that period many activities were implemented, as follows:
🟢 Organizing four sessions of the “Egypt Vision 2030 Rawaq Forum” with a total of 2,000 participants representing civil society organizations on topics (green energies and civil society contributions - the Nexus approach and reducing the carbon footprint as a basis for sustainable development - the role of the green economy in achieving sustainable development - energy). Cleanliness and its role in reducing climate change
🟢 Coming up with a standard system document for green NGOs in cooperation with the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development and conducting community dialogue around it.
🟢 Organizing a number of (23) awareness workshops for workers in NGOs in Egypt and some Arab countries about the green transformation of organizations, with a total number of (1090) NGOs.
Where the workshops addressed the concept of sustainable development and its dimensions, the concept of environmental sustainability, the relationship of sustainable development to climate change, the Climate Action Charter, the quality standard for NGOs, and highlighting development practices. Sustainable green.
It is worth noting that the initiative aims to "strengthen the role of Arab civil organizations to adopt the concept of institutional sustainability and green development practices to preserve and protect the environment. The initiative began in September 2023 through a unit Accrediting and ensuring the quality of civil society organizations at the Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work, in partnership with a number of local and international bodies.