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Misr Al-Khair issues a policy paper entitled: “The role of civil society organizations in achieving the second goal of the sustainable development goals, which is concerned with the complete eradication of hunger.”

News Details

Apr 14, 2024

Sunday 4/14/2024

The NGO Sustainability Observatory of the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Action issued a policy paper in light of the Misr Al Khair Award for Leadership in Charitable and Development Giving in its fifth session, sponsored by the Ministry of Social Solidarity and with funding. From the National Bank of Egypt and it was about the second goal of the sustainable development goals, which is the complete elimination of hunger
This study comes to shed light on the concept and dimensions of food security in Egypt, and the current contribution of civil society organizations within the scope of achieving the second goal, in addition to highlighting the partnership between the government sector Private and civil society in the field of achieving food security. Finally, the paper presents some proposals that would enhance integration between the three parties to achieve Egyptian food security.
It is worth noting that one of the main activities of the NGO Sustainability Observatory is to conduct a community dialogue between the parties concerned with the issue of sustainable development and the contribution of NGOs to it to crystallize a single societal vision among the parties concerned in Policy papers and research studies and their dissemination in support of decision makers within society.

To view the complete second objective sheet, please visit the following link: