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Misr Al -Khair Foundation launches its report on its contributions to supporting the educational system in Egypt for the period 2016_2023 entitled: "Teaching and Learning for the Quality of Life"

News Details

Jun 1, 2024

Al {1-5-2024

Egypt Al-Khair Foundation launches its report on its contributions to supporting the educational system in Egypt for the period 2016_2023 entitled: "Teaching and Learning for the Quality of Life"

The report provides a review of the extent of the contribution of the Misr Al-Khair Foundation in supporting educational services in all its stages and delivering them to remote societies and the relationship of these contributions to the national strategy for education and Egypt's vision 2030
The report also highlights the methodology used to localize the fourth goal of sustainable development goals concerned with good education and future trends towards education for a better quality of life
for the full report version, please visit the following link:
It is worth noting that the issuance of this report with technical support from the National Work Sustainability Observatory of Arab Center for Sustainable National Action - Egypt Good Foundation