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Evaluating the results of the Institutional Excellence Grant interventions for civil society organizations that joined the grant in its first cycle 2023-2024..

News Details

Aug 7, 2024

Within a month In July, the work team at the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work completed the implementation of the activities of the Institutional Excellence Grant, where a post-institutional evaluation was conducted for 48 civil society organizations in 16 different governorates of the Republic, after completing the implementation of institutional development interventions in accordance with the agreed-upon time plan for the grant, which was completed. It will be implemented during the period from August 2023 to July 2024 ... ... span>

Bonus included Institutional Excellence has several stages that all organizations went through. Applications were opened during the month of August 2023. In its first session, 163 NGOs from 23 governorates applied for the grant. According to a number of criteria, 55 organizations were selected. After the selection stage, an evaluation was conducted. A tribal institutional assessment of NGOs was conducted to identify their institutional capabilities. Based on the results of the institutional evaluation, a plan was prepared for the institutional development of NGOs for each organization separately, according to the institutional needs of each organization. Based on the institutional development plans, a set of interventions were implemented with the aim of strengthening the institutional and organizational capabilities of these organizations and overcoming On the institutional challenges they face, and finally conduct a post-institutional evaluation of these organizations. ..

And a stage comes Post-institutional evaluation as a final stage after completing the implementation of the institutional development plan with NGOs with the Institutional Excellence Grant, with the aim of identifying the current institutional capabilities after implementing a number of interventions and measuring the impact of the change that occurred on these organizations, in preparation for graduating the NGOs that have completed implementing institutional development interventions. Planned, provided that these organizations join the network of graduates of civil society organizations in the Institutional Performance Development Laboratory of the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work..

💡It is worth noting that all services related to the grant were provided free of charge to civil society organizations.