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(70) Arab NGOs participated in the introductory meeting regarding the Certificate of Institutional Commitment for NGOs.

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Sep 3, 2024

In light of the launch of the second version of the Institutional Commitment Certificate for NGOs.

The Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Action organized an introductory meeting for Arab NGOs during the month of August to introduce the Certificate of Institutional Commitment and raise awareness of its objectives, conditions, and how to apply for it.
A number of (70) Arab civil society organizations, representing countries (Jordan - Lebanon - Tunisia - Libya - Yemen) participated in the meetings.
It is worth noting that the Certificate of Commitment comes within the interest of the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work in integrating quality and governance systems in Arab NGOs in order to achieve institutional sustainability and achieve the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness in implementing its programs and projects. The certificate also seeks to raise the level of accountability and transparency in NGOs. And respecting the principles of good governance.
In light of the Arab Center’s endeavor to encourage Arab NGOs to enhance transparency and quality in their performance, it will bear the cost of the procedures for issuing this certificate, which amounts to $500 for one organization that passes the accreditation stage in accordance with what is stated in the certificate’s guideline.

To view the certificate of compliance, you can visit the following link: