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Based on numerous requests, applications are open for the second batch of the regional training program: “Misr El Khair Fellowship for Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
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Aug 6, 2022
Friday 8-5-2022 Based on the successes achieved by the first edition of the regional training program “Misr El Kheir Fellowship for Sustainable Local Development Practitioner” and based on numerous requests, applications have been opened to join the second batch of 2022 for the “Misr El Kheir Fellowship” program. Applications are opened once a year. The program targets workers in Arab NGOs, workers in local administration, and international organizations working in the Arab region. It is worth noting that the Misr Al-Khair Fellowship Program for Sustainable Local Development Practitioner is one of the training programs that was launched through the “Tanmwi 2030” educational platform. The program aims to provide the opportunity for effective leaders within Arab NGOs to develop their development practices and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop local communities and how to link these practices to sustainable development goals in a training environment based on interaction, participation, exchange of experiences, linking what is presented with their previous experiences, and working to critique their current practice as well as Work on building applied development models through graduation projects, which is considered one of the requirements for passing the program. The duration of the program is 30 training days over three months, ending with participants submitting graduation projects to showcase their applications of what they have acquired. The projects are judged by an independent committee of experts. The program is accredited and sponsored by many local and international organizations and is presented by a group of specialized experts. Alternative opportunities for programs similar to this program cost $950 per person. The program provides a free contribution from Misr Al-Khair to support the sustainability of Arab civil society work. To view the program components and register, please visit the following link: To provide technical support and inquiries, contact us through the following email: The number of participants is limited and registration closes on August 31 #Sustainable_national_work #Egypt_Khair_Fellowship