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Misr Al-Khair issues a statement calling on world leaders to save future generations from the scourge of climate change

News Details

Oct 30, 2022

Sunday 10-30-2022 Misr Al Kheir Foundation, a leading Egyptian development NGO, issued a statement calling on world leaders participating in Cop 27 in Sharm El Sheikh to play their role in protecting people from the direct and indirect effects of climate change and saving future generations from the scourge of climate change and its devastating effects that cannot be avoided. Imagine it. The statement also gives a fair warning to every decision-maker, regardless of its signatory, not to underestimate the threats facing developing societies due to climate change and its various impacts and to start acting as if there is a crisis. . This statement comes as part of the “regional campaign entitled Sustainable Climate” launched by the Misr El Kheir Foundation in partnership with other organizations and joined by 1,200 civil society organizations. The recommendations were developed through 33 workshops and round tables with the participation of experts in climate, economics, and social development, representatives of civil society organizations, in addition to official representatives from the Egyptian government, and a statement and climate action charter for civil society organizations were produced. For more information about the campaign statement “The Road to Sharm El Sheikh”, please see the following link: If you are interested in the “Road to Sharm El-Sheikh” statement and the Climate Action Charter for Arab NGOs, please contact us. It is time to leave our seats and act to join the regional campaign “Sustainable Climate”. Please contact the following email: NGO@MEKEG.ORG