Media Center - Funding and partnership

An opportunity......a free training grant for workers in NGOs in Egypt, the training course “Managing Volunteer Efforts in NGOs”

Financing and partnership Details

Aug 2, 2022

Monday 1-8-2022 Misr El Kheir Foundation, under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, is pleased to announce the opening of registration for the local training course “Managing Volunteer Efforts in NGOs.” Volunteering is considered the basic pillar on which the work philosophy of civil society work and its various organizations is based. With the increase in the complexity of societies and societal phenomena and problems in recent decades, which is considered a characteristic of the modern era, the challenges facing civil society organizations have become greater and their needs for human resources in terms of quantity and quality are greater than before, which can Civil organizations should confront this problem by increasing volunteer opportunities and attracting good resources by having a strategy to stimulate volunteering in their various activities. Volunteering also has other benefits that it achieves within society, including contributing to the preparation of the individual citizen, increasing his connection to society, and achieving the principles of citizenship. The training course covers many topics, the most important of which are: 🌱Sustainable development as an entry point for community development. 🌱The most important requirements for achieving the sustainable development goals. 🌱 The relationship of managing volunteer efforts in civil society organizations to the requirements of achieving sustainable development goals. 🌱 The importance of civil organizations within society 🌱 The concept, importance, culture, goals, benefits, effects and areas of volunteering 🌱 Citizenship, societal responsibility, and the role of the state in supporting volunteer work 🌱 Motivation of volunteers, their characteristics, rights and obligations 🌱 What is desirable and prohibited in volunteer work 🌱 Challenges, obstacles, and psychological barriers that prevent volunteering 🌱 Managing volunteer programs (recruitment) 🌱 Designing campaigns to attract volunteers 🌱 Practical applications. 📌Online training via Zoom application 📌The duration of the training course is (3) training days 📌The deadline for submission is August 7, 2022. 📌To register and learn more about the training course, please visit the following link on the “Tanmwy 2030” platform #Towards_sustainable_civil_work #Development_2030