Media Center - Funding and partnership

The German Agency for International Cooperation, in cooperation with Social Solidarity, announces the launch of a program to support and build the capacities of associations/institutions in several topics.

Financing and partnership Details

Mar 16, 2022

Tuesday 3/15/2022 The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), on behalf of the German government and in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, through the Equal Social Opportunities Project, announces the launch of a program to support and build the capacities of associations/institutions. The project targets young men and women, focusing on the following topics as a first stage: • Integration of persons with disabilities • Gender equality • Population and reproductive health issues • Community participation of youth. Therefore, civil society associations and institutions interested in participating in the program are requested to fill out the complete profile of the organization/association/institution on the following link, no later than April 10, 2022, provided that the papers of the community organizations are reviewed. Civil and communication with appropriate organizations, inviting them to submit a concept note, and the technical team will announce the selection criteria, the amount of financial support, and the implementation duration at the same time. For more information about the Equal Social Opportunities Project, follow this link