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Misr Al-Khair announces the launch of the fourth session of the “Misr Al-Khair Award for Leadership in Charitable Giving and Sustainable Development 2022”

Financing and partnership Details

May 23, 2022

Yasser Badry 5-22-2022 Based on the belief of the Misr El Kheir Foundation as a national civil society organization that seeks to increase the effectiveness and contributions of Egyptian civil society organizations in achieving sustainable development goals and in fulfillment of the vision of the Misr El Kheir Foundation “a pioneering institution as a global example for reaching the development of a symbiotic, self-growing society.” The Foundation announces the launch of the fourth session of the Misr Al-Khair Award for Leadership in Charitable Giving and Sustainable Development 2022, the theme of which is the thirteenth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, “Climate Action.” As the award aims to monitor the best practices of civil society work within Egypt, the award consists of three branches: *First section: The best contributions of civil society organizations *Second section: Best youth initiative *Section Three: Appreciation for pioneers of civil society work It is worth noting that the fourth session of the award comes within the activities of the “Sustainable Climate” campaign, which aims to raise awareness among civil society organizations about the phenomenon of climate change and prepare for the international conference COP27. The campaign is sponsored by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, the Prepare Green Presidential Initiative, and the National Bank. , Al-Masry, United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, National Planning Institute, General Union of Non-Governmental Associations and Foundations, Arab Network for Non-Governmental Organizations. To learn more about the award conditions and to download the award guideline and application forms, please visit the following link: The deadline for application is June 30, 2022 #Leadership_of_Charitable_Giving_and_Sustainable_Development_Award #Sustainable_climate_campaign