Regional Development Exchange Programme
Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Introduction to the Training Program
The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which was launched in September 2015 by the United Nations, represents the main guide for global development policies. It has also become a global demand for all countries to contribute to achieving it at the national level. As a result of the importance of that global agenda, many Arab countries have launched their national visions about that agenda. Including the Egyptian state, where Egypt launched its strategic vision for sustainable development 2030. The mechanism for managing those national visions, including Egypt’s Vision 2030 To activate the partnership between governmental, civil and private community organizations, and from here comes the importance of this training program, which is to help actors in the field of development in developing their development practice and linking it to the goals of sustainable development and the axes of national visions, including Egypt’s Strategic Vision 2030. The training program will be based on introducing the concept of development. And the stages of its development leading to sustainable development. It also reviews the historical origins of the sustainable development goals, the historical development of civil society organizations in Egypt, and monitoring the role of organizations. Eligibility to achieve sustainable development goals, as well as reviewing the indicators and goals of sustainable development goals, their dimensions, the system of values and behaviors required to achieve those goals, and their local and international applications.
Program Duration
10 training days within one month
Target Group
Pioneers of sustainable civil society work, members of boards of directors, middle management, project managers, development program officials, and executive management of civil society organizations.
Program Start
Launching soon
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program:
Enabling participants to develop plans and projects for community development in light of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Sub-objectives of the program:
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
1. Explaining the concept of development and the stages of development of the concept of development.
2. Review the historical development of sustainable development.
3. Know the characteristics and obstacles of sustainable development.
4. Explain the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainability
5. Describe the relationship between the sustainable development goals and Egypt’s Vision 2030.
6. Develop sustainable development plans and link them to development goals
7. Applying development strategies in order to bring about local development.
Training units
The first unit: Introduction to development
Unit Two: Environmental Sustainability
Unit Three: Economic sustainability
Unit Four: Sustainability as a whole
Unit Five: Implementing sustainability and development goals
At the end of the training program, each participant submits a graduation project highlighting the applications and skills he acquired during the training, which is one of the requirements for obtaining a training license.
To obtain a graduation certificate from the program, you must:
1. Commitment to attending no less than 75% of the actual training days.
2. Commitment to the program’s assignments and application papers.
3. Commitment to completing the final graduation project.
The program certificate is accredited by the Misr Al-Khair Foundation and several specialized international and local organizations.
D. Muhammad Mamdouh
Mr. Ahmed Abdel Fattah
Mrs. Zainab Abdel Moneim
Submit a Request to Participate in Training
You must log in first to request participation in the training
بسمة ياسين القدسي
Mar 28, 2023برنامج مميز جدا اضاف لي الكثير انصح بالمشاركة فيه
ضحى محمدنور عبدالله
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سميحة عبود الحنشي
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