Specialized professional programs
Preparing a specialist in sustainable institutional development for civil society organizations.
The importance of this regional training program is due to the fact that one of the requirements for achieving sustainability within any society is that the various organizations within that society achieve institutional sustainability. Institutional sustainability means the best sustainable performance that an organization can achieve with its ability to predict future institutional challenges and deal with them to ensure better performance in the future. Organizations are considered Al-Ahlia is one of the most important organizational entities within society concerned with the sustainability of communities. The institutional sustainability of the organization depends on the availability of a deep institutional vision among those in charge of it and the extent to which that vision is reflected in operational policies, organizational structures, and the distribution of powers and roles within the organizational units, as well as on Components of the organization's organizational culture. Institutional sustainability also depends on the management and development of various resources. Based on all of the above, we can define the mission of the “sustainable institutional development specialist” in helping civil society organizations develop and move towards quality sustainable institutional performance in order to achieve one of the requirements of sustainable development. This training program includes several important components and topics that help build the knowledge and skills of the institutional development specialist and provide it with methodologies and tools related to the development process, starting with...the process of institutional evaluation of the organization, analyzing institutional capabilities, and conducting planning for the development process in light of modern methods and trends in improvement and development processes. Continuous, with a focus on integrating the foundations and principles of good internal governance and institutional leadership into the development process and as an introduction to improving institutional performance. The training program also includes clarifying the concept of the organization and its characteristics, and reviewing the systemic approach to analyzing institutional capabilities. And applications of comprehensive quality in the institutional development of civil society organizations.
Program Duration
10 training days within one month
Target Group
Workers in non-governmental organizations in the field of institutional development
Program Start
It will be launched soon
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program:
Qualifying specialists in sustainable institutional development in civil society organizations.
Sub-objectives of the program:
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
• Describe the nature of the organization and identify its basic elements
• Explain the distinctive characteristics of an NGO as a specific form of social organization
• Explaining the role of civil society organizations in achieving the sustainable development goals of society
• Understanding the relationship between the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and its institutional capabilities
• Describe the system’s approach to analyzing the institutional capabilities of civil society organizations and its components
• Explain the stages of growth of civil society organizations
• Knowledge of the entrances, strategies and stages of institutional development for civil society organizations
• Applying the digital transformation and institutional sustainability system. Familiarity with institutional capacity monitoring systems
• Describe the comprehensive quality process, its objectives, and requirements for implementing quality within civil society organizations
• Determine the stages of continuous improvement for civil society organizations
• Familiarity with the professional code of conduct for Egyptian associations and institutions and how to apply it within their civil society organizations
• Explain the concept of leadership, its types and sources of influence
• Identify methods of managing organizational change, the concept of resistance to change, its causes, and methods of resisting organizational change
Training units
•The first unit: Introduction to civil society organizations and their role.
•The second unit: Analysis of the institutional capabilities of civil society organizations.
•The third unit: Modern trends in building institutional development.
•Unit Four: Governance of NGOs.
•Unit Five: Change Management.
At the end of the training program, each participant submits a graduation project highlighting the applications and skills he acquired during the training, which is one of the requirements for obtaining a training license.
To obtain a graduation certificate from the program, you must:
1. Commitment to attending no less than 75% of the actual training days.
2. Commitment to the program’s assignments and application papers.
3. Commitment to completing the final graduation project.
The program certificate is accredited by the Misr Al-Khair Foundation and several specialized international and local organizations.
D. Muhammad Mamdouh
A. Mahmoud Kamal Abu Al-Khair
Submit a Request to Participate in Training
You must log in first to request participation in the training
أحمد مبروك أمين محمد
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أحمد عبدالرزاق قبان
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أحمد عبدالرزاق قبان
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