Regional Development Exchange Programme
Misr El Khair Fellowship for “Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
The Misr El Kheir Fellowship is an integrated training program aimed at qualifying local development practitioners in the Arab world and providing them with the skills, tools and methods that support their development role within the local community and linking these efforts to the philosophy and principles of sustainable development by facilitating the transfer of development experiences and practices among them, as well as the experiences and practices that have been accumulated by the Misr El Kheir Foundation. During its journey in developing local communities, the development experiences that the Foundation accumulated led to the construction of development frameworks and models based on principles of sustainability that can be replicated. And transportation. The idea of the training program “Misr El Kheir Fellowship” comes in light of the responsibility that the Misr El Kheir Foundation assumes towards Arab civil society organizations to maximize their role in contributing to achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals within Arab local communities and the associated development tools and strategies in developing local communities. Based on this, the “Misr Al Khair Fellowship” program provides an opportunity for active leaders within the Egyptian and Arab civil society to join it to provide them with knowledge and skills in an educational environment characterized by interaction and dialogue, reviewing lessons learned, and discussing realistic case studies among themselves to increase and exchange experiences, in addition to producing research papers and graduation projects. The “Misr El Kheir Fellowship” training program consists of five training levels that are complementary to each other in providing skills and information.
Program Duration
33 training days within three months
Target Group
Development practitioners and active community leaders concerned with sustainable community development in the Arab world
Program Start
Launching soon
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program:
Providing local development practitioners in the Arab world with the necessary experience and skills to create sustainable local development.
Sub-objectives of the program:
•Contributing to building local Arab cadres of sustainable local development practitioners
• Highlighting the effective and pioneering development experiences of Arab and Egyptian civil society organizations and exchanging experiences between them.
• Research in the field of sustainable development at the local and Arab levels and link the various programs and projects of civil society organizations to the goals of sustainable development.
• Opening bridges of effective communication between civil society organizations at the level of the Arab world.
•Addressing global development issues in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
•Promoting a multidisciplinary knowledge society within Egyptian and Arab civil society.
*Note: The fellowship program is a non-academic degree (advanced training program) granted by the Misr El Kheir Foundation and its partners due to their interest in sustainable development issues.
Training units
1.The first level: local development (models, methods, and roles)
2. The second level: the right to development
3. The third level: sustainable development concept, dimensions, and application mechanisms.
4. Fourth level: Modern methods of mobilizing resources and arranging financing.
5. The fifth level: Monitoring and identifying sustainable community needs, opportunities, and resources.
6. Sixth level: Community development strategies for civil society organizations.
At the end of the training program, each participant submits a graduation project highlighting the applications and skills he acquired during the training, which is one of the requirements for obtaining a training license.
Topics and Timetable
Duration: 7 training days
This level aims to develop the performance of development practitioners by clarifying the roles of the development practitioner within society and work methods and tools. It also addresses the system of ethics and values that surround the development practitioner and enhance his role and performance within society....
Raising the skills and knowledge of the local development practitioner with the necessary roles and methods to enable him to perform his duties effectively within the community.
Main Topics:
•Local community
•Community problems.
•Sustainable local development
•Development practitioner tools
•Development practitioner ethics
•Community dynamism
•Development approaches
Areas of local development
At the end of the level, each participant prepares an applied concept paper as part of passing the level
Duration: 6 training days
The importance of the second level of sustainable development is to help development practitioners develop and link their development goals to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This includes the process of participating in developing development plans that contribute to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in an integrated manner. The level will focus on the concept of development and its stages of development. The program will also review the historical origins of the sustainable development goals, as well as the historical development of civil society organizations in Egypt and monitor the role of civil society organizations in achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals.
Enabling local development practitioners to develop plans and projects for community development in light of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Duration: 5 training days
This level came to contribute to addressing the crises of development projects in resource mobilization and financing management by strengthening the skills of development practitioners and providing them with knowledge and skills in the following areas and topics, for example: basic concepts in resource mobilization and financing management, types of resources and their sources, the importance of resource mobilization, resource circles. surrounding the organization, human, financial and information resources, resource mobilization strategies and mechanisms, obstacles to resource mobilization and financing, corporate social responsibility (CSR), writing proposals Designing resource mobilization campaigns.
Developing the skills of development practitioners in applying strategies for mobilizing community resources and arranging financing
Duration: 6 training days
There is no doubt that the process of monitoring and identifying sustainable community needs, opportunities, and resources is one of the most important steps necessary to establish development projects, because development projects need accurate, realistic information that reflects the real needs of society and not just assumptions by development experts or those working in the development field, as needs are defined as the difference. Between the desired situation and the existing situation.
Empowering development practitioners with the necessary skills and knowledge of methods and tools for monitoring and assessing community needs, opportunities, and resources
Duration: 6 training days
This level aims to enable development practitioners to identify development strategies for local communities and how these strategies can be applied to bring about societal change and achieve sustainable development within the target communities.
Empowering development practitioners with the skills and knowledge necessary to apply development strategies in order to bring about local development.
Main Topics:
• Development concepts and approaches
• Civil associations
• Service provision strategy
• Resource mobilization strategy
• Community dialogue strategy
• Advocacy and lobbying strategy
• Sustainability strategy
• Awareness and behavior change strategy
• Social engagement strategy
• Networking and support exchange strategy
At the end of the level, each participant prepares an applied concept paper as part of passing the level
Duration: 3 training days
The right to development is a right that enhances individuals' capabilities (freedom to achieve) and increases their choices. It provides a comprehensive approach to the realization of human rights through attention to structures, processes and outcomes
By the end of the training program, we aim to strengthen and consolidate the concept of the right to sustainable development based on the human rights approach among the participants
Main Topics:
Unit One: Sustainable development, its origins and challenges
Unit Two: Human Rights and Sustainable Development
Unit Three: Human rights as an umbrella for achieving justice (social - climatic - cultural - economic)
To obtain a graduation certificate from the program, you must:
1. Commitment to attending no less than 75% of the actual training days.
2. Commitment to the program’s assignments and application papers.
3. Commitment to completing the final graduation project.
The program certificate is accredited by the Misr Al-Khair Foundation and several specialized international and local organizations.
D. Muhammad Mamdouh
Mr. Mahmoud Al-Shimi
Dr. Walid Sayed
Submit a Request to Participate in Training
You must log in first to request participation in the training
رامى عاصم محمد سليمان
Feb 14, 2023تدريب رائع جدا ومتنوع والاهم هو التدرج والترابط مابين المستويات .جميع المدربين علي اعلي مستوى من الحرفية المهنية .
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سارة أشرف شمة
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Ayah Allah Abd elhakeem
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سعيد سالم أحمد
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مصطفى بتيتى
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Asmaa Khalifa
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Heba Samy
Feb 20, 2023من اروع الخبرات التعليمية التطبيقية التي مررت بها. مدربين رائعين. إدارة مميزة شكرا مصر الخير. شكرا قطاع تطوير الجمعيات الأهلية. شكرا د.محمد شكرا ا.حسام شكرا لكل المدربين.
Randa Emad
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