Specialized professional programs
Professionalism in management and design of development projects
The regional training program, Professionalism in Management and Design of Development Projects, is an integrated training program that aims to work on improving the performance of development project management managers within Arab NGOs, where the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of development projects within local communities and maximizing the planned social, economic and environmental returns over the long term and the ability of those in charge of those projects depend on Adopting and applying modern methods in managing development projects increases the awareness and understanding of development project managers about how to communicate with the community and prepare it to implement the project and obtain from it the legitimacy of its presence. Working within the community, the quality of the methods applied in managing project resources, the ability to apply social marketing strategies, and motivating the community to participate positively and actively, all of these factors are one of the important influences on achieving quality performance and reaching the results targeted by the development project within the community. This integrated training program also comes to highlight Shedding light on the project life cycle and providing the necessary skills for project managers in Arab NGOs in terms of good design and planning for the development project, developing executive plans, managing human, information and financial resources, managing work teams in a professional manner, and the basics of designing monitoring and evaluation systems for the project. This is in addition to the mechanisms for linking the objectives of the development project to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This program consists of seven integrated training levels that contribute to increasing the ability and experience of development project managers and bringing them to the horizons of success and desired societal change.
Program Duration
24 training days within two months
Target Group
Managers of development projects and programs in Arab NGOs
Program Start
Launching soon
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program:
Preparing and qualifying managers of development projects within Arab NGOs with the necessary experience and skills to ensure the quality performance of these projects within communities and the mechanisms for linking them to sustainable development goals.
Sub-objectives of the program:
By the end of this training program, participants will be able to:
1- Applying tools and methods to identify societal needs, prioritize, analyze and formulate problems.
2- Defining development interventions and designing and writing the project document.
3- Design a project plan and determine the necessary resources.
4- Prepare a project budget and establish a continuity system.
5- Managing financial and human resources and project objectives.
6- Preparing and managing a follow-up and evaluation plan.
7- Implementing strategies to mobilize community resources.
8- Design and manage operating plans for the project
9- Writing and drafting various reports on the project results
10- Defining the concept of social marketing and the difference between it and commercial marketing and promotion.
11- Planning a social marketing campaign for the project
12- Applying the documentary cycle for special receipts and payments and preparing financial plans and reports for the project.
Training units
- First level: Introduction to development project management.
- The second level: strategies of civil society organizations for local community development.
- The third level: designing projects and writing a financing document for a development project.
- Fourth level: Designing monitoring and evaluation systems for development projects.
- Fifth level: financial management of development projects
- Sixth level: operational planning for development projects.
- Seventh level: Social marketing for development projects.
At the end of the training program, each participant submits a graduation project highlighting the applications and skills he acquired during the training. This is considered one of the requirements for obtaining a training graduation certificate.
Topics and Timetable
Duration: 5 training days
The first level, managing administrative operations in development projects, is the ideal path that ensures achieving the objectives of development projects at a lower cost and more effectiveness. This training level comes to clarify the life cycle of the project and the availability of the necessary skills for project managers in terms of good planning for the development project, setting its implementation plans, and managing human resources in a proper manner. Professional, setting budgets, managing the work team, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, which achieves the project’s goals and vision and ensures optimal investment of efforts and resources.
Providing project managers with knowledge and experience about administrative processes in development projects.
Duration: 6 training days
This level aims to enable project managers to identify local community development strategies for civil society organizations and clarify methods for applying these strategies to bring about societal change and achieve sustainable development within the target communities.
Enabling development project managers in civil society organizations with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement development strategies in order to bring about sustainable local development.
Duration: 5 training days
The development project design tool is considered one of the important tools that can be invested by project managers in civil society organizations to achieve the desired social change within local communities and contribute to achieving the sustainability of those communities. Employing this tool in the management of development projects contributes to the optimal investment of project resources and good preparation for it within the organization. Society and achieving the concepts and principles of quality in project management.
Enabling development project managers with the skills of designing projects and writing financing proposals.
Duration: 4 training days
Planning the process of monitoring and evaluating project activities is important in terms of ensuring that the activities proceed within the planned framework without deviation in order to achieve the planned objectives. To complete the effective follow-up process, this requires the presence of a good system for collecting and flowing correct data and information. The evaluation process is important in that it shows The extent to which the actual implementation of the project activities matches the planned objectives, as well as measuring the effects resulting from the implementation of the project activities on the target communities
Providing project managers in civil society organizations with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct the follow-up and evaluation processes for development projects
Duration: 4 training days
This level seeks to qualify project managers with the information, skills and experience that enable them to conduct follow-up and financial planning operations appropriately for their projects and to become familiar with the most important policies regulating the accounting system in projects and accounting procedures for all financial aspects and types of records and financial books and a full understanding and knowledge of the principles of internal financial control.
Developing project managers’ skills in financial management in accordance with the laws regulating that and the organization’s areas of work.
Duration: 4 training days
This level seeks to qualify project managers to conduct operational planning processes, as it is the practical basis for ensuring the implementation of the organization’s executive plan by transforming all operational activities into a set of basic steps and procedures. The operational planning process is considered an administrative work that is applied and followed up internally by project managers within NGOs. To ensure the achievement of the work and targets contained in the executive plans, it is thus considered one of the most important key tools that enable project managers to accomplish the approved implementation initiatives. This level includes a number of related topics. With planning and technological tools that can be used..
Providing project managers in civil society organizations with the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare operational plans for the organizations and business units they manage.
Duration: 3 training days
This level seeks to qualify project managers with the information, skills and experience that will enable them to carry out effective social marketing campaigns for their projects and to market the services and ideas that the public actually needs. This is in addition to the steps for designing social marketing campaigns and social marketing strategies.
Enabling project managers in civil society organizations with the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out effective and fruitful social marketing campaigns.
To obtain a graduation certificate from the program, you must:
1. Commitment to attending no less than 75% of the actual training days.
2. Commitment to the program’s assignments and application papers.
3. Commitment to completing the final graduation project.
The program certificate is accredited by the Misr Al-Khair Foundation and several specialized international and local organizations.
D. Muhammad Mamdouh
A. Mahmoud Kamal Abu Al-Khair
Mr. Hossam Al-Sayed
Submit a Request to Participate in Training
You must log in first to request participation in the training
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