Feb 20, 2022
Main title of the session
Social justice and its relationship to sustainable development
Basic elements:
Ø Introduction: The most important indicators related to poverty globally, regionally and nationally.
ØFirst: Poverty at the global level and the Arab countries.
Ø Second: The most important indicators of poverty based on income, expenditure and consumption research data 2020/2021
ØThird: The government’s most important efforts to achieve social protection for the poor and get out of the cycle of poverty.
Ø Fourth: Definition of civil society.
Ø Fifth: Characteristics of civil society.
ØSixth: Functions and roles of civil society.
Ø Seventh: Civil society means and tools.
Ø Eighth: The nature of social justice.
Ø Ninth: Characteristics and assumptions of social justice.
Ø Tenth: Dimensions and forms of social justice.
ØEleventh: Forms of social justice.
ØTwelfth: Foundations and principles of social justice.
ØThirteen: Values and pillars of social justice.
Ø Fourteenth: The dangers of not achieving social justice.