Misr Al-Khair holds a discussion session entitled “Methods of monitoring and evaluation of projects in light of the sustainable development goals”

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May 3, 2023

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Sunday 12-25-2022

Within the framework of activating the plan of the NGO Development Sector at the Misr El Kheir Foundation to raise the capabilities of NGOs and link their work to the goals of sustainable development and Egypt’s Vision 2030

The sector management organized a discussion session on “Methods of monitoring and evaluation of projects in light of the sustainable development goals”

Dr. Mohamed Salhi, Ph.D. in Business Administration at Suez Canal University and Youth Empowerment Consultant, was hosted to talk about this topic.

Many important points were discussed during the session, such as the seventeen sustainable development goals, which are the indicators and objectives of each goal.

Then the focus was on how to link these goals with the development projects that civil society organizations are implementing or even that they intend to implement during the coming period so that this is in line with the state’s general plan in the field of development.

Dr. Salahi explained how to establish specific mechanisms for the process of monitoring and evaluating these projects, in light of the goals and indicators of the sustainable development goals.

Salahi added in his session how to develop plans for follow-up and evaluation and work to implement them on the ground.

All points were discussed in detail, and at the end of the session, the floor was opened for questions and inquiries for the participants and responses to them, in addition to providing the opportunity for some to present their development experiences in the process of research and evaluation of the projects they practiced on the ground so that the rest of the participants could benefit from them. Chapter on activating the exchange of experiences.

The session was attended by more than ninety participants from various civil society organizations and postgraduate students in the field of development, in addition to many followers of the live broadcast on the page of the Capacity Building Unit of civil organizations affiliated with the Misr El Kheir Foundation.