Nakhleh is a non -traditional project, finding actual solutions to problems that society was suffering from for long periods of problems related to the nature of the soil, geographical location and economic conditions for the people of society. Among these problems
- Palm waste accumulated in most areas of the village due to the large number of palm trees in the village because they are on the desert back
- The people burned the palm waste to get rid of them, which causes fires and black clouds in various areas of the village and the neighboring villages
- The spread of eye diseases and respiratory system among the people of the village, especially children and the elderly.
- The spread of termites that feed on wood in the village, causing most home furniture to wear, causing losses to the people. The termite control research center has tried, but the nature of desert lands helps to spread termites.
The project is considered a collar for this society through the activities that the association implemented, as follows:
- Recycling of palm trees and waste in an innovative way that preserves the environment and prevents the burning of the newspaper to preserve the environment, by manufacturing home furniture from the newspaper that is not eaten by termites
- The association conducted a study on those who hesitated to eye clinics and chest diseases. The study stated that the numbers of children with eye allergy and chest diseases as a result of stopping the burning of palm waste and the escalation of smoke.
- Establishing a training center for young people of both sexes on the manufacture of home furniture from palm waste, ceramic dishes and other artworks and displaying them in technical exhibitions for sale as a source of income for these young men and girls
- Providing job opportunities to enhance the productive, effective and innovative participation of young people to highlight their capabilities as active shareholders in raising their poor entry level through training to produce and marketing furniture from the palm tree, and palm tops
- training and empowerment of 100 women and girl women to produce artifacts from the waste of palm trees (dish, Umrah, children's games)
- Awareness meetings of environmental pollution risks and sustainable development goals 2030
- You know b tot for rural intellectuals with the burning of the waste of palm trees and its causes of fires And Diauses w .
- Da`wah and gain support to support the production of young people from the remnants of the palm tree.
The direct target groups of the project
young men and women with a breadwinner
the targeted groups are not directly for the project
Youth next to marriage, the elderly, children, the local community, the visitors of the cafes and the tourist villages