Monitor a report issued by the Ministry of Environment under the header proposed to manage the blocks The vitality in Egypt is the size of agricultural waste in Egypt and the absence of a clear strategy to get rid of it and that The open burning of these waste is the most important reasons for the appearance of the black cloud
The report confirmed that the amount of agricultural waste in Egypt is about 35 million tons between plant and animal waste from about 7 million A ton of feed and 4 million tons of organic fertilizer, and 12 million tons of vegetable waste? It is used from it and the report indicated that due to the lack of a clear vision and strategy to deal with plant agricultural waste from them and animal, this led to the disposal of these waste through the open burning that leads to many health problems, especially for children and the elderly and pregnant women, especially diseases associated with respiratory and sickness Ophthalmology and leather disease.
by gathering and throwing it on banks and canals, which increased the loads of pollution in the air and waterways And the woven, etc. by burning, causes pollution of the environment and the appearance of the black cloud and left it without Burning works to block waterways and exposes the community to fires due to a storage in rural homes, noting that due to the political and social interest in this phenomenon, the government agreed to put a national program within the investment plan of the Ministry of Environment to deal with agricultural waste
The Abooub Center depends on agriculture as a major craft For income, especially owners of small holdings and daily employment As a single source of income for them, and with the fragmentation of the holdings, the weakest income of small farmers, especially with the high prices of agricultural services from the number of land, seed, fertilizers and harvesting operations, made the work of agriculture not profitable and costly to small farmers
so the project works to improve the income of small farmers by exploiting agricultural waste by chopping it and turning it into an organic fertilizer, which provides fertilizer Good membership for farmers (compost) and also solves the problem of environmental pollution and reducing Accumulation and burning of waste.
agricultural waste can be converted after chopping it into animal feed or organic fertilizer with a certain technique, which limits the formation of darkening fasteners as a result of burning agricultural waste, which would like to Grand warming that has the largest role in climatic changes
The direct target group of the project :
300 farmers from small farmers and tenants are less than three acres of men and women in the custodian of the city Converting agricultural waste into organic fertilizer
The target group is indirect to the project :
450 children, wives and relatives of farmers whose awareness was raised by the dangers of burning agricultural waste and their impact on the environment and health and increased their income through the recycling of agricultural waste and the provision of agricultural crops More quality crops that depend on chemical fertilizers